Cause Champions: Anti-Human Trafficking

Part 1: Rallying For Freedom: The Hike

“Do I think that some actions are too small to make a difference?” 

Follow mother and daughter Jenn and Coryn McGowan’s journey to complete a 19-hour freedom hike to raise awareness for the cause they champion: ending human trafficking. The challenging journey not only connected them with a community and a nonprofit working to solve the problem, it also helped Jenn and Coryn deepen their relationship with each other. 

“I was at a loss about what I could do about human trafficking,” Coryn told us. Connecting with a trustworthy nonprofit allowed her and her mother to help make a difference with their own time and resources.

The McGowan family rallies around a freedom hike to raise money for anti-human trafficking

Part 1: Rallying For Freedom: The Hike for Human Dignity

Coryn and Jenn McGowan are propelled to raise awareness for human trafficking by enrolling in the most challenging hike of their lives. Follow along as the McGowans discover how to champion a cause and share their passion for the end of modern slavery through a “freedom hike” in The Enchantments of Washington.

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Peter's Investment in Human Dignity to Support Anti-Human Trafficking

Part 2: Peter’s Personal Story Leads to Investment in Human Dignity

Peter’s turbulent childhood leads him to understand the importance of supporting the overlooked members of society who are vulnerable to trafficking. Peter’s expertise in media and storytelling, along with his worldwide business connections, have become a great aid in championing the cause of human freedom with Atlas Free.

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Looking for the Steps to Start Championing Your Own Cause?

Start your journey with our guide on becoming a cause champion. Explore other causes beyond human dignity that may start a fire in your heart to generously support change in God’s Kingdom.

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Engage and Support The Fight to End Human Trafficking

Learn More about Atlas Free and how to get involved, as well as discover several ways to give. Support the freedom and human dignity by donating through cash, card, or a donor advised fund at The Signatry.

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