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Cash Isn’t Really King: Noncash Contribution Strategies

Kristin Hammett

November 7, 2022

The Signatry works with nonprofit leaders to strengthen their development strategies by helping them engage in major donor conversations, including conversations about noncash contributions. We talk a lot about noncash gifts and we want to be sure our impact partners understand the significant opportunities available. Noncash charitable contributions can benefit both the donor and the recipient.


What does “noncash” really mean?

When talking about noncash contributions, we mean wealth outside of the checkbook. This can be anything from stocks to cryptocurrency to real estate and business interests. The Signatry’s team has experience managing all of these gift types. God owns it all and has entrusted it to donors’ care and stewardship. He wants us to hold everything we have with open hands.


Isn’t cash king?

Net Worth Breakdown   |   Giving Breakdown

In a word? No. 90% of America’s wealth is in assets other than cash. Only 10% of our wealth is in the checkbook. Yet, 80% of giving happens in cash, and only 20% of charitable investment is given from the larger, noncash bucket. There is an enormous opportunity to help donors think differently about how they give: even their noncash assets could become part of their generosity plan.


How can a nonprofit work with major donors?

Nonprofit leaders are uniquely positioned to connect God’s resources and His work. That often starts with education. Donors don’t know what they don’t know. Before talking through the details of an asset gift, donors need to better understand the work the organization is doing and where their gift is going. A big vision, clearly expressed, serves as a catalyst for transformational generosity.

When donors are engaged in the work and excited by the vision, development officers can share the opportunity to give differently and more generously. Here are some ideas to consider in your donor conversations:

  1. Start planting seeds. Include noncash contribution options on your donation page. Share the opportunity in your newsletter and your email footer. Discover more verbiage ideas in the Asset Gift Based Referral Language Guide.
  2. Share the opportunity. Look through your donor list for business owners. Begin to ask them questions about the business: What does your business do? What do you and your family like about it? You’ll find more questions in our Noncash Asset Fundraising Guide.
  3. Don’t overthink it. You don’t have to be the technical expert. Consider The Signatry your partner for complex, noncash contributions. We have attorneys and accountants who can help guide the donor through the process.

Nonprofit and ministry organizations are doing the most important work there is. From Bible translation and evangelism to education and health care, the work matters, and it is worthy of all the generosity tools available.

Transformational gifts have transformational impact.

Learn More About How your Nonprofit Can Receive Noncash Gifts

The Signatry Nonprofit Success wants to equip you in your development efforts and partner with you in major donor conversations. A giving tool called a donor advised fund at The Signatry serves as the tool to liquidate these gifts and assist the donors in their generosity endeavors.

Nonprofit Asset Fundraising Guide

About Kristin Hammett

As the Vice President of Family Generosity Services at The Signatry, Kristin Hammett focuses on equipping and encouraging families to purposefully consider what questions God has given them the resources and heart to answer, modeling obedience to his will to current and future generations while actively participating in advancing the kingdom of God.

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